Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sheila T's Scrapbook: Friday Family Foto: May 22

This is a photo of my great-aunt when she was young: Jessie McClure. She never married, and she lived to be almost 100 years old. (I don't mean to imply that not being married gave her a long life span!) That's a great hat, don't you think?

Friday's Favorite Family Foto is hosted by Deborah at "Pictures, Pots, and Pens." Visit her to see other favorite photos. Thank you, Deborah!


  1. Sometimes I have wished hats would still be "in" for ladies.

  2. What a GREAT photo! When do you think it was taken?

  3. lol about the long life span. I love the hat.

    I'm a Ga. blogger too!

  4. It's probably the hat that helped with the longevity - prevented the overheating of the brain, resulting in the veto on husbands, lessening the wear & tear on the nerves, resulting in 100 years of stress-free living, lol.
